/ / j g p a l a n c a . c o m
Use your best Filipino accent.

Tenacious -- Bepor you go out, put on your tenacious.

Deposit -- Call da plahmer, deposit is leaking.

Splat -- Oh my goodness, my tire splat.

Associate -- When I went to da bathroom, associate in da toilet so I plashed it.

Beef Stew -- My beeper bees, does yours beef stew?

Persuading -- This month is my cousins persuading annibersary.

Depressed -- Depressed is da one who leads the mass.

Deficit -- Bepore eyou jahmp in da pool, check how deficit.

Penis -- Bepore eyou go out and play, penis your homework.

Statue -- Oy, Pedro..statue?

Candidate -- I ordered too much pood, I think I candidate.

This is a Filipino making a long distance phone call....
Operator: AT&T, how may I help you?
Pinoy: Heyloow, ay wud like to long distance the pilipins, plis.
O: Name of the party you're calling?
P: Aybegurpardon? Can you repit agen plis?
O: What is the name of the person you are calling?
P: Ah yes, tenkyo and sori. Da name of my calling is Elpidio Abanquel. Sori and tenkyu.
O: Please spell out the name of the person you're calling phonetically.
P: Yes, tenkyu. What is foneticali?
O: Please spell out the letters compromising the name a letter at a time and citing a word for each letter.
P: Yes, tenkyu. Da name of Elpidio Abanquel is Elpidio Abanquel. I will spell his name foneticali:
Elpidio is
E as in Elpidio,
L as is lpidio,
P as in pidio,
I as in idio,
D as in dio,
I as in io, and
O as in o.
O: Sir, can you please use English words?
P: Ah, yes...tenkyu. Abanquel,
A as in airport,
B as in because,
A as in airport agen,
N as in enemy,
Q as in Cuba,
U as in Europe,
E as in important,
L as in elephant.

This is a Filipino in an American coffee shop...
Waiter: What kind of coffee would you like, regular or decaf?
Pinoy: No. Big cup!! Big Cup!!!
W: What would youlike for your breakfast?
P: Hameneggs
W: How do you like your eggs sir?
P: Yes, Tenkyu. I like dem beri much
W: No sir, How would you like them cooked?
P: Yes, tenkyu. I like them cooked.
W: (With increasing impatience) Would you like your eggs hard or soft boiled, fried, poached?
P: (With increasing uneasiness) Yes , one fried en one hard or sop boiled.
W: What kind of bread would you like?
P: Begyurpardon?
W: What kind of bread would you like? White, wheat, rye?
P: Pan Americano
W: We don't have that.
P: Okey, gib me taystee.
W: We don't have that either, sir.
P: Do you heb pan de lemon or bonete or coco?
W: Sir, you are wasting my time. Once again, what would you like for breakfast?
P: Donut plis.....

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