/ / j g p a l a n c a . c o m
A Motherless Child's Prayer

As day grows dim and night comes to fall
an echo is heard of a baby's call.

A prayer is said, more like a mourn,
to a mother from a child, a child unborn.

This child had no chance at life, for he had no say;
It was his mother who chose that he would not see day.

Mother, I do not blame you, for you held the key,
but you placed it in the lock, you banished me for eternity.
No longer do I sit in that cozy little womb;
Instead, here I sit in my own tomb.
Death has replaced life, for mine it is I speak;
I had no say in it, for I was too weak.
She said it was "her body," but I shared it with her
still she didn't know what she was doing--she wasn't very sure.
Do not plague my mother's soul Dear Lord, I pray.
For all accounts and debts were settled;
It was my life she paid.

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