/ / j g p a l a n c a . c o m
A football player with a shoulder injury walks into a bar, and asked the bartender for a drink, while waiting for his drink, he notices a man with white hair at the end of the bar. When the bartender returns the football player asked him who is that white haired man at the end of the bar and the bartender replies that is Jesus, so the player says give him a drink on me. The white haired man replied by waving his hand. Next a baseball player with a hurt wrist walks into the bar and asked for a drink, then he notices a white haired man at the end of the bar, so he asked the bartender who it was and he replied Jesus, the player said give him a drink for me, the white haired man replied by waving his arm. Then a Hispanic working man walks into the bar wearing a neck collar (from an injury) and had two women at each side, he asked the bartender for a drink, he also noticed the man with white hair at the end of the bar, the bartender said it was Jesus, so the Hispanic man says send him a drink on me, the white hair man replied by waving his arm. The white haired man at the end of the bar gets up and goes to the football player and shakes his hand and says thanks, then the football players shoulder pain was gone, the man also approached the baseball player and shakes his hand, seconds later the pain on his wrist was gone, then the man approached the Hispanic man, but before the man could touch him, the Hispanic man replied "Don't touch me, I'm On Workers Comp."

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