/ / j g p a l a n c a . c o m | ||
JUST THINKING... When someone asks you, "A penny for your thoughts," and you put your two cents in, what happens to the other penny? Why do croutons come in airtight packages? It's just stale bread to begin with. Why is a person who plays the piano called a pianist, but a person who drives a race car not called a racist? If a pig loses its voice, is it disgruntled? Why are a wise man and a wise guy opposites? Why do overlook and oversee mean opposite things? If horrific means to make horrible, does terrific mean to make terrible? "I am." is reportedly the shortest sentence in the English language. Could it be that "I do," is the longest sentence? If lawyers are disbarred and clergymen defrocked, doesn't it follow that electricians can be delighted, musicians denoted, cowboys deranged, models deposed, tree surgeons debarked and drycleaners depressed? Why do doctors always press on the parts that hurt? If all babies are cute, why are there so many ugly people in the world? |
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