/ / j g p a l a n c a . c o m

What do you get when you're contemplating God while you watch a man on a board suddenly MUNCHED in a wave? Either thoughts of a water grave OR... thoughts of falling out of God's will. There are a zillion times a day when an argument, an under-current of peer pressure, or a storm of problems bumps us OUT of our interior communion with God. We lose the wave of the Holy Spirit within us and sink below the weight of the world. MUNCHED.

It's tough too ride an eternal wave. Maybe in heaven.....

But meanwhile, let's be sure our weak, limp bodies are attached to some sort of buoy before we're hurled from our board... let's be sure we have the name of Jesus on the tip of our tongue. (And an affinity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation in our hearts.) Just call out His name, the King of kings, Lord of lords, to whose name "every knee shall bend" --JESUS, JESUS, JESUS.

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