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Sanity Test -- On the light sideThree tests follow . . . see where you fall in today's population. Just follow the instructions below: DON'T scroll down too fast -- do it slowly, and follow the instructions below exactly, and do the math in your head as fast as you can. FOLLOW these instructions one at a time and as QUICKLY as you can! What is: 2+2? 4+4? 8+8? 16+16? Quick! Pick a number between 12 and 5. Got it? Now scroll down... The number you picked was 7 right? Isn't that weird??? Another one... What is: 1+5 ? 2+4 ? 3+3 ? 4+2 ? 5+1 ? Now repeat saying the number 6 to yourself as fast as you can for 15 seconds, then page down QUICK!!! THINK OF A VEGETABLE! Then page down. You're thinking of a carrot right? If not, you're among the 2% of the population whose minds are warped. 98% of people will answer with carrot when given this exercise. ANOTHER ONE: Magic trick follow directions DO THIS BY THE RULES.... Try this and you will be amazed! Don't look ahead! Just do it step by step SLOWLY. ******************************************************************* DO NOT SKIP AHEAD. Read this message ONE LINE AT A TIME and just do what it says. You will be glad you did. If not, you'll feel like an idiot and wish you had listened. ******************************************************************* 1) pick a number from 1-9 2) subtract 5 3) multiply by 3 4) square the number (multiply by the same number -- not a square root) 5) add the digits until you get only one digit i.e. 64=3D6+4=3D 10=3D1+0=3D1) 6) if the number is less than 5, add five. Otherwise subtract 4. 7) multiply by 2 8) subtract 6 9) map the digit to a letter in the alphabet 1=A, 2=B, 3=C, etc... 10) pick a name of a country that begins with that letter 11) take the second letter in the country name and think of a mammal that begins with that letter 12) think of the color of that mammal (keep scrolling) ******************************************************************** DO NOT SCROLL DOWN UNTIL YOU HAVE DONE ALL OF THE ABOVE ******************************************************************** Here it comes, NO CHEATING or you'll be sorry. You have a grey elephant from Denmark. end |
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