Originally this space was designed for the chatterbox, but with the ending of the strip, most discussions end too. It was a great 3 years working on this project. 500 strips is a lot. For me anyway. I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did. I'm grateful for all the memories and laughs it gave me. It was also a great outlet of expression. Someday, I may return to it. But until then, archived here are 3 years of my life. I will also keep the store open and will update that from time to time. Thanks again for everyone's support! -JoE-
11.01.04_This is the last Waia's World strip, its 500th. I've decided to end its run for the reasons stated in the strip. I thank everyone who supported this endeavor and am grateful for it. It was fun and a great experience. Waia's World may return in the future. Who knows. But for now, this is the final farewell. Thank you again!